Being able to have your own income is certainly fun, friend Shopee. Can you buy this using your own money without having to bother the parents anymore. Eits, but don't get to work for years but don't have savings and assets. Come on, look at the 4 lifestyles that you must avoid so that the salary doesn't just disappear.
Most old-time parents advised their children, "All your money should not be spent, leave it to save." Finally a mindset was created when saving money using residual money. Though wrong, you know, saving it should be at the beginning. It's the same as we pay installments or other primary needs. If you save it at the end, there won't be any leftover money. The problem is that the temptation to shopping is always there.
Today buy anything you can afford in installments. It's really good, just pay for the DP items we can take home. But remember, paying by installments of course there is interest that must be paid too. So if you don't really need it, don't be tempted to buy it in installments. Just tube it first until the money is collected.
Wise people say "you are a reflection of the people who are near you" that means what we usually do, almost the same as those closest to us. For example, if our gang is famous for hedonism, we can't help but follow it. Hang out must be at an expensive cafe, head to toe outfits must be branded. Wow, if you keep on going like that it's only natural if you finally don't have savings. So, look for association that doesn't make you a hedon.
As soon as the salary comes in, it feels like the spirit of shopping becomes fiery. It's okay, but if you never make a budget you can go too far later. Only in the middle of the month, the money to eat is only enough to buy instant noodles. So once the money comes in, you have to make budget posts. Prioritize needs such as paying for boarding, food, and transportation. Then other posts such as shopping and entertainment. So that the expenditure is clearer and does not fail.
Well there it is, a lifestyle that must be avoided. You can shop, you can hang out, you can pay in installments, as long as you make sure that everything is done after the budget for basic needs and savings is met. Because having fun, you don't have to sacrifice the future.
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