Selain menggambarkan masa lalu seseorang, nyatanya rasa takut yang ada dalam diri seseorang menggambarkan kepribadian orang tersebut, lho. Penasaran?
1. Takut pada ular.
Snakes are feared animals throughout history because snakes are one of the animals that are good at tricking their enemies. People who have excessive fear of snakes, in fact have very strong and great protective instincts towards their loved ones.
2. Fear of blood.
People who have a big fear when they see blood are people who are actually calm and protective. When seeing blood, the person with phobia will send dangerous signals to the brain, so they will provide protection against the danger signs they see.
3. Fear of speaking in public.
People who have excessive fear of speaking in front of many people are people who have low self-confidence and always need the approval of others for everything they do. But besides that, they are usually also perfectionists who crave perfection in all aspects of life.
4. Fear of clowns.
The same expression on the face of a clown both when sad and happy, often causes fear to someone, usually children. It can be said that the person is a person who upholds honesty, is open to new things, and has high transparency.
5. Fear of darkness.
Dark situations due to lack of light can make someone feel insecure. People who are afraid of the dark space in fact have a very active imagination and high creativity.
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