All couples definitely want a lasting relationship. But not infrequently, everyone must have their own concerns about their partners. Especially if you have several signs like the following:

1. Never away from the cellphone
Couples who do environment tend to always hold the cellphone and will not leave it to you. His face will also look panicked and nervous if you accidentally hold his cellphone.

Also pay attention if he always uses silent mode, especially if he always answers the phone in a low voice or away from you.

2. Increasingly Rarely Establish Communication
For lovers, giving news about each activity is something that should be done, especially if there are activities that make him difficult to contact. Well, if your partner rarely gives news or asks about you, then you need to watch out for this, Friend Shopee.

3. Tends to be closed
For the sake of creating a good relationship, each partner must have openness between each other. However, different stories with couples who cheat, he tends to be more closed when asked about his activities.

4. Excessive and Unclear Expenditures
For couples who are already married, knowing about each other's financial expenses is a natural thing to do. Well, if you find that there is unclear financial use with increasing intensity, you should be suspicious of it, Friend Shopee.

Moreover, if the money is not used to meet household needs. It could be that the money is used to meet the needs of others, you know.

5. Always Switching Talks
When you are chatting and entering a certain topic, suddenly your partner changes the subject for no apparent reason. How much you try to kidnap him, he still doesn't want to discuss it. If this is the case, your partner might have an affair, Friend Shopee.

6. Accusing Behind
When you accuse him of having an affair, in a state of urgency your partner will instead even accuse you. Even if you feel you don't have any relationship with other people, you should try to explain it properly, yes.

So ... are these signs in your partner? If you find more than two signs, you should immediately communicate well with him, yes.